GET Language Learning System in Denmark / Sudo Null IT News FREE

In continuation of the clause " Denmark: a country of common sense " I want to share how the study of the Danish language for foreigners is organized Hera.

The aim of the article is to play up the outlet of organizing the educational process. Most training can personify done online. This includes audio recordings of words, the main video of the object lesson (with a through storyline), the ability to send the teacher oral and transcribed essays and obtain feedback from him in the form of a screencast.

Early, a small introduction, then we volition reach on the technical part.

Why see Danish?

A visitor is given 3 years to start up learning a language at the expense of the tell, i.e. gratis. Despite this, I wondered whether it would be worth spending several hours a hebdomad on information technology - after all, lone 5.7 million people speak it.

As a result, I highlighted the following advantages for myself:

  • although Danes are fluent in English people, they really appreciate it if you try to transmit with them in their native oral communicatio. I would also suchlike to understand the inscriptions on the Street, letters from the banking concern, etc.,
  • To get a residence permit, you moldiness pass an exam for language proficiency and knowledge of the country's culture. I don't plan to stay here realistic, but I decided not to slam this "window to Europe",
  • Danish knowledge greatly simplifies the reason of the strange languages ​​of the Scandinavian group,
  • it's just become interesting what others aver when they opine that you don't understand them,
  • something that I didn't think about until I started doing it — new acquaintances. IT is easier to induce friends with foreign classmates than with Danes: the courses event in a cohesive international group with a common interest.

There are also disadvantages:

  • worn out time,
  • dialects - although the main Kingdom of Denmark is about indefinite and a half Crimea, they often recall the story of how the inhabitants of Copenhagen cannot infer the inhabitants from Jutland (another part of the area near Germany). Some Danish territories, so much as Kalaallit Nunaat and the Faeroe Islands, have their own languages,
  • difficulty level: high. A lot of new unusual sounds, the whole mouth is old in unspecialized. In that location is a joke that the Danes are talking with calorific potatoes in their mouths.


You can choose a school that is convenient for your location in a unscheduled booklet for foreigners, then through an email to arrange an interview with the school day, according to the results of which you are credited with availability.

In my case, there were empty seats, but I failed the interview.

How to fill out an question

StudieSkolen gives you a simple prison term, like "A horse rises slowly uphill, carrying a handcart," in English only. The peculiarity of the sentence is that it has each parts of speech - a noun, a verb, an adverb, a pronoun, etc. You necessitate to call them, also in English.

Although I loved much tasks at school, but then I fell asleep along the fact that I did not call back the names of the parts of address in English. My aunt politely explained to me that this knowledge is very necessary when the instructor will excuse the material. Issue forth another clip.

Sure or false, I united along another task. I was given the text in three operating room four sentences already in Danish, my aunt read it aloud to me a couple of times and asked Pine Tree State to read it myself, ruthlessly pointing out my mistakes. Atomic number 3 if reveling in my chagrin, so she also asked me to translate, which, to my surprisal, I did - there were a mickle of Englishisms.

So that you understand the complexness of this task: in the Danish language, the letter "d" is not only often read as our "l", merely you also need to put the language out of the utter so substantially. Add here 5-7 different sounds ranging from "e" to "and" and 3-4 Thomas More for "a". In order to aright say the sound "R", I have to "educate" the throat early, making information technology American Samoa if I was well-nig to hark. Well, the letter "z" reads alike our "s".

Examples that tear my brainpower:

Danish word What is this all about? Sound
Strøget Copenhagen's intense walker street "Stroel" (at the end you need to puzzle your tongue out). All Russians, including Russian Google Maps, send for it simply Stroget.
Madrid, chocolade The words you think you know how to sound out "Madril", "chocolél" (you need to make a intense intelligent on "r", and at the goal, on the alphabetic character "l" we habitually stand our tongue).
selvfølgelig, lejlighed "Naturally" and "apartment" severally "Sifuli" and "Lailihil" (do not forget to stick your tongue dead). Very beautiful row, but spelling them retired is unrealistic.
Zend frame "syn". I did not sympathize my Danish workfellow what tolerant of new framework this was until he wrote it on paper.

Scandinavian country is really complicated. Norwegian neighbors even filmed Hochma on this subject:

In overall, they took me with a creak.

How are classes

Groups are divided by the frequency of lessons - it happens 1, 2 or 4 times a workweek. In the radical of 8-10 people.

In the first lesson, we were given usernames and passwords for special accounts to watch training materials, do preparation and communicate with from each one other.

Two logins were given. The first is from the Moodle system of rules; This is an ASCII text file e-learning chopine with a sort o primitive interface, but good functionality connected board. The second is from a home-ready-made system containing interactive Danish to fit content.

In the lesson we devour some section of the mental faculty - we watch the next serial of videos or listen to the dialogue, past try to talk in pairs.

After the lesson, while we are going home, the teacher copies the deterrent example plan into the assembly on the Moodle - and we all get our prep this way. It usually includes about 10 interactive exercises, plus small oral and written essays.

Now let's look at it Thomas More closely.

Grooming organisation structure


The class has wifi, computers, speakers.

When required, the instructor finished the projector displays the picture directly on the board, so that over the image you can safely haul on a white board.

Figure 1 - the teacher explains the topic "Time" to us

Through a wireless keyboard, he can control what is projecting, gyre through pages, and then on.

If a webpage with interactive elements, for example, arrows for expanding lists, is displayed on the screen, it backside physically click on the instrument panel with a special marker - the projector leave infer this and send OnClick to the computer.

In general, the technical equipment is in order here.

How information technology works

Antecedently, it was like everywhere else here - a paper textbook + a CD with video audio, Eastern Samoa well as a small library. All this has not bypast anywhere, but 3 years ago a radical of tercet teachers decided to apply more ripe technologies. So there was a propose called "Danish to go". To boot, for organisational purposes, they installed the Moodle chopine.

Bod 2 - the structure of the training system

Moodle Compositions and teacher feedback

Moodle is needed for the duologue between teacher and student. This includes a list of tasks for working at home, a forum, playacting viva voce and written essays and receiving feedback on them.

Writing - retributory the school tex is sent by take shape, and a Java applet is used to record the representative. What surprised both teachers (30+ years old) confidently told in which browsers this works unexcelled (and in which versions of Internet Explorer) and how to run an alternate histrion along Flash.

Figure 3 - screenshot of the representative recording interface

Now the fun function. You sent your homework. Within a week, you will receive a teacher's answer in the form of a screencast. I asked him to render how he does information technology: on his Macintosh, he opens the try, launches Jing, selects the desired area of ​​the screen on the screen with a rectangle, clicks "Write" and starts reading the essay unstylish loud, highlight approximately places with the mouse and commenting them along the way.

How the learner benefits from this:

  • the educatee hears what he wrote sounds
  • gets feedback not only astir errors, but also all but textual matter roughness. Remember, when you returned to school verified essays - mistakes, grades and supreme postscript "Try better!". And here is a thorough rima debriefing,
  • You can watch the video American Samoa much atomic number 3 you want, for example, to compute the desired pronunciation.

When the teacher clicks "Closure", configured Jing uploads the video file to FTP, and puts a public link along the clipboard - all that cadaver is to send it to the student. The whole physical process takes about the same time atomic number 3 a regular written check.

I would likewise like to note a general friendly attitude. For case, in the terminate I began to grant my son to make a sound introduction in my audio compositions: atomic number 2 aloud and clearly announced the topic of the lesson. The teacher reacted to this adequately - he laughed and aforementioned "thank you, had fun."

Here is a screencast about how my first homework was checked (the teacher reads my text in Danish, and the comments, of course, in English): the original SWF file or the edition I converted to YouTube along my own (alas, with the logo of the free converter syllabu).

Danish to go. Interactive materials

Name 4 - Danish to go website port

At the moment, only when the first off faculty is ready, that is, the very, very showtime of the preparation. The second mental faculty is in surgical process.

So, the teachers had a rough idea of ​​what they deprivation. They advisable the idea to school. Information technology should be noted that the school is secret, and the state pays it for each student and for each exam passed with success. Considering that umteen students play and travel, it is beneficial for the civilis that the materials become as mobile American Samoa executable and the students do not drop out of school just because of logistics issues, hence, such a marriage proposal was received positively. Teachers were able to deal with this project during temporary hours.

Here is how my teacher and co-author of the project Esben Ludiksen commented happening this:

Our school has a tendency when teachers themselves organise materials for their work. So the idea of ​​qualification "blended scholarship" material (a potpourri of online materials and traditional classroom instruction) has been in the air for a prolonged time.

The school has shrunk with UNC web studio to implement the site, besides as LabelFilm movie studio to produce quality video. As for the video recording, the school provided a breakdown aside topic (so that there were no nasty turns in the first lessons), and the film studio strung information technology all along a meaningful diagram. In add-on, it was decided to tie in the issues with a informal storyline: 2 friends are sitting in a eating house (the matter is "Ordering Food for thought"), 2 girls are ordering furniture (the theme is "Shopping"), past they get acquainted (the theme is "Presentation"), and so connected. They say that female students are looking forrader to new episodes to rule out who married whom. The video involves professional actors.

The premiere video was successful a little differently than everyone else: at the beginning the same beginners are shown: they are dumb, they ask over again, laugh nervously, but endeavour to talk. This is done to salvage the shyness of those who are meet starting to learn the complex Danish language. Asymptomatic, at the end of the first video, the "series" begins.

In the site interface, IT looks like this; students can adopt the text close to the video.

Figure 5 - video and text The

tasks are quite a divers: fill in in the missing words or select from the list, form the text by dragging and dropping individual words operating theatre whole phrases, listen to the transcription and answer questions. When you click on the "Take more" link, links to denotation material on topics, for object lesson, "Figures" or "Professionals", come along.

Present is how it looks.

Figure 6 - composing a sentence from wrangle

Figure 7 - composing a textbook from phrases

The Bid clitoris is visible in the upper left, it starts an sound recording of what is written and closed down the stairs.

Form 8 - listening to audio frequency with text edition tracking.

Teachers used 20-30 colleagues and acquaintances to track record audio dialogs. Esben says:

The idea is to have equally many different voices as realistic. When you discover Danish actor's line with only a Copenhagen punctuate, only one announcer of only one age, then in real biography the Danish pastry language can shock.

Paper materials

In the first lesson, a free instructor is compiled supported Danish to go materials. I asked if the site was designed so that you can immediately make a print version - alas, no, you have to maintain the relevance of two different versions.

At the end of the clause, I note that with whol the convenience of the system and the professionalism of its carrying out, the Danish language remains difficult to learn, and instead of doing my homework, I write this article ...

UPDATE: a effective article in Russian " Encyclopedism Danish " - people of different nationalities tell what IT was like to teach.

UPDATE 2: after 1-2 modules, the main phrases go clear, you canful micturate purchases in the memory boar and the like. Personally, I then socialistic the courses to focus on my acquisition project. - because to learn the language you need to invest important effort and time.


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