GET Clouds through the eyes of IT professionals: vision and expectations / Blog / Sudo Null IT News FREE

Information for most organizations of our century has get over an extremely most-valuable element. Like the blood circulating in the body, the information delivered at the right time and place, plays a crucial character for the functioning and development of the business. The avalanche-like outgrowth of its flows, which IT companies and not only them now faced, required the search for new ways to work with data, its storage and management. The suffice to the question "what's next?" non long in future. The growth of Internet channels and their universal joint availability gave rise to this answer - "Cloud Services".

The clouds that experience come up own truly unlimited information direction capabilities. Unrestricted, private, crossed (a mixture of the first two) - these are complete models of access master to information that is not located on the old Terabit "Seagate" in the back elbow room of the network administrator, but in the extremist-modern Level III-IV data centers with an effected automatic backup system and continuous accessibility of data from whatever take over corner where the Internet is present. At the Same time, cloud services may not be very effective for companies that, say, use various software products that are little adroit with each other for production needs. The solution to the difficulties can be the complete conversion of the keep company's office work to a single package political platform, from a single supplier. IT is this way of optimisation that many companies have now taken, this is a trend. Within one software environment, it is oft very painless to unionise backup, archiving and data recovery.

A recent study by QuinStreet Enterprise Inquiry (QSER) showed that 35% of respondents in their work experience using one to three software systems, 56% utilisation four or more. The canvas too showed an demonstrable, but no less stimulating characteristic: two-thirds of the respondents spoke in favou of moving from the multitude of software that they now face busy to a unified information management software environs.

The enquiry troupe QSER is an integral part of the media holding, which also includes such online publications arsenic EWeek, Datamation, CIO Insight. The survey conducted away the accompany, including employees from 223 large IT companies. The main objective of the go over was to find out the opinion of the employees of these companies approximately the possibility of transferring their activities to a single software platform. Also within the scope of the study was the task to name the main advantages and disadvantages of using cloud services.

As send away be seen from the data presented, the first doubt led the respondents to a bit confusion, there was none single clear leader in the answers. And the question was: "The benefits of victimisation every data management from a single interface." Simply IT became clear that about three-quarters of the respondents considered the briny reward of the transition to be the increased efficiency of the ferment performed. Nevertheless, for a third of respondents, this advantage was not significant enough to guarantee a departure from the current solutions. Such a put up, unwillingness to change something, Eastern Samoa can Be seen from schedule Nary. 2, can atomic number 4 caused by existent contracts with software package manufacturers, too Eastern Samoa the costs associated with a bear-sized shake-up. If you return in much detail to those World Health Organization see the pluses in consolidated software program, so it is deserving look graph None. 3. Data base hit, in one form or another, ready-made the leader among those requests that were voiced by company employees. About 80% see the role of cloud-based united data management systems in protective information from every kinds of unpredictable cases of its loss, the risks of which are an integral part of our lives. Immediately after the asking for security, there is a bespeak for replication and deduplication of data. Also, respondents praised the increased ability to analyze stored information, and ease of access thereto.

Cloud data management is becoming more in advance

Some organizations are actively looking for new opportunities for storing and processing information with minimal investment. And the more they substitution to cloud services, regardless of whether they are in the public eye operating theatre one-on-one, the faster the engineering science associated with this service improves and becomes the saint place to store and process data. The afoot situation is a response to the avalanche-like migration of companies into the clouds that we are currently observing.

For many an companies, the closed-taint operating pattern provides an acceptable level of information protection and control. As a result, a whole service commercialise is expanding here. As can be seen in Chart 4, almost half of the cloud services currently busy are private infrastructure projects with moderate access to them. The remaining half of the requested capacity is divided between unrestricted and hybrid (a mixture of open and closed obnubilate) services. Examples of the best-known open clouds are Amazon Simple Computer memory, Serve (S3), Microsoft Cerulean Computer memory, and Google Cloud Storage.

How to orchestrate information management in the cloud

Most of the respondents who were well knowledgeable in the tasks cladding data management in the clouds formed schedule 5. If you analyze all the answers, it becomes obvious that 70% of the interviewed IT companies employees clearly had experience in managing information in cloud services.

It's rare when organizations use only one type of dapple service, often straight inside the same unit thither is a place to use both closed, and open, and hybrid clouds. Each such befog needs its own insure plate, which further increases the management costs of such systems. It is already self-explanatory that a single program happening the basis of which data management can be implemented will have to go a long way of betterment ahead it can be fully arrange into operation and satisfy a wide range of consumers.

As already mentioned, the priority of tasks for potential migrants, who essential decide the transition of information to cloud services, is different. For those who cente open and hybrid clouds, the primary reason for the move, for example, was monetary value optimization, every bit declared by more 80% of respondents. Figure 6 highlights the main preferences of the respondents that they plan to soon actuate to the clouds, or have recently done it and expect these effects.

Clouds, of course, have their own unique advantages. To get the maximum effectuate from victimization this service, you need to use them as wide and efficiently as possible. "Unlimited" capacity, data availability make the clouds truly a unique answer. But too do non blank out about the accessibility in these services of already ordinary levels of security measur of access to the data placed there and their convenient monitoring.

Chart 7 shows the cover 5 mottle features, identified as the most all-important. Almost all respondents rated very highly the information security that these services provide. Respondents noted that the possibility of using a single software political program in the clouds testament provid faster and more than convenient implementation of tasks.

Clouds, like any other solution, have their costs. More than 30% of respondents see problems in the speed of clouds, problems with management, the complexness of implementing this solution. These are the main among the list of reasons that slacken down the migration of data arrays to the clouds. Chart 8 illustrates the topmost 5 most challenging moments in corrupt functioning.


As the selective information component for the activities of enterprises is gaining importance, effective methods for placing and managing this data become progressively popular. Today, enterprises have a huge selection of options for archiving data, monitoring them, and creating backups. The ability to migrate to the clouds is an option that complements the existing list of solutions, providing around new features. Often companies tend to get rid of more applications through which they function with information, in prefer of the smallest possible number. And here it is obvious that the approach to data direction supported one platform, which is also enforced in the clouds, is the net goal that the vast majority of organizations endeavour for.


This survey took home in June 2014. Respondents were sent questions aside e-mail, the first 100 participants who realised the survey received a reward from Amazon in the amount of $ 10. Of the total number of respondents who participated in the sketch, 223 were employees of IT companies with a team of 500 or more employees. Reported to the methodological analysis, the average statistical error of the data is ± 6.8%, the general sureness level to the survey data was 95%.


GET Clouds through the eyes of IT professionals: vision and expectations / Blog / Sudo Null IT News FREE

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