GET Yandex.Mail allows you to unsubscribe from newsletters / Yandex Blog / Sudo Null IT News FREE

Does it happen that you are stressful to find the "unsubscribe" link in a letter from some mailing list and cannot do this? Or penetrate on such a link only in order to get a prerequisite to log up in to a web site that you don't think of? I'm not talking about cases where IT is unclear whether it is worth believing the "unsubscribe" link at all. Perhaps this is just another trick of spammers pretending to atomic number 4 a comme il faut newsletter.

We at Yandex.Mail deprivation to protect our users from unnecessary emails. At the end of May, they will accept the opportunity to unsubscribe from the newsletter, flush if its senders did not provide for this. Information technology will be enough for the user to refuse the newssheet once, and he will No longer receive it. So for those who give non yet added the power to unsubscribe to the newsletters, we urge that you manage this before the end of May.

Hundreds of millions of letters come to Yandex.Send regular, and about 90% are mailings and notifications, from which you can't always unsubscribe. We believe that having an unsubscribe tool around should make up a mandatary necessary for all whole lot mailings. This is an unquestioned practise in umpteen countries of the world where such requirements are regulated by law surgery by major market players.

Using Marker technology, which allows you to know different types of letters and types of senders, we have analyzed which mailings are sent to Yandex.Mail. This allowed us to take a fresh look at some senders and the calm of their letters.

It turned out that about 15 million letters from discount services are received by Yandex.Mail per day, and in 12% of them thither is no way to unsubscribe. News sites send about 50 million letters, in 12% of them there are No tools for unsubscribing. Approximately 10 million newsletters come through from online stores, 15-20% of them are also without the power to unsubscribe.

We want the standards governing the relations of senders and recipients to appear on our market, so we advocate wholly mailing list authors to work in a civilized manner and not send letters without the possibility of unsubscribing. This step will not affect the senders of the mailing lists in which it exists. They will be capable, equally ahead, to manage their relationships with subscribers themselves. We have only supplemented our standards for mass mailings.. In order to avoid misunderstandings, we also recommend double-checking whether your existent unsubscribe algorithms knead. Otherwise, people will habituate ours.


GET Yandex.Mail allows you to unsubscribe from newsletters / Yandex Blog / Sudo Null IT News FREE

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